

01.001 - 政策准备
01.002 - 策略编号系统
01.003 - Exceptions to or Restrictions of University Policies
01.015 - Establishment and Review of 中心和研究所
01.021 - Policy Governing Sales/Services Activities by Computing and Learning Services, 电子商店, 专业商店和学生艺术商店
01.024 - 教室和实验室调度
01.025 - 使用newbb电子平台的设施
01.030 - 大型活动的制作和主办
01.040 - Statement of Commitment to Free Expression
01.041 - 校园言论自由
01.042 - 室内空间的使用
01.044 - 户外空间的使用
02.001 - 公开会议
02.002 - 禁止
03.001 - General Policy on Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Compliance
03.002 - 分发《newbb电子》
03.003 - Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance
03.004 - Sexual Harassment and Other Sexual Misconduct
03.005 - H的实现步骤. B. 1219
03.006 - 举报和报复
03.007 - 访客及临时房屋
03.010 - 校园未成年人
03.014 - Cash Advances for Education Abroad Programs
03.015 - 旅游发展
03.016 - 基金支出
03.020 - Payment of Memberships and Dues in Selected Organizations
04.001 - 资讯科技无障碍
09.900 - 签发身份证


12.001 - Posthumous Awarding of Undergraduate Degrees
12.002 - 追授研究生学位
12.010 - Access to the Student Information System (SIS)
12.020 - 学生记录
12.021 - 学生的名字
12.022 - 学生解决
12.023 - 学生紧急联系信息
12.030 - 紧急情况下的课程学分和评分
12.040 - 分级
12.050 - Canceling Registration, Dropping Classes, and Withdrawing
12.055 - 加退课的截止日期
12.060 - Military and Military-Affiliated Students Affected By Deployment or Permanent Change of Station
14.101 - Departmental 库: Guidelines and Requirements
15.001 - Acquisition and Maintenance of Television Systems
15.005 - 教育电讯服务
15.006 - Ownership and Utilization of University-Sponsored Educational Materials
15.007 - 教师 Participation in Educational TV Production
15.009 - Use of Instructional Media and Technology Services Equipment
15.015 - 版权
17.001 - Intellectual Property Ownership and Disposition, and Employee Involvement in Research Commercialization
17.900 - 咨询
17.990 - 本科教学合同
18.001 - 教师资格证书和测试经验
18.007 - 海外工作安排
18.009 - 教师责任与评价
18.031 - 荣休或退休状态
19.045 - Administering External Grants and Contracts
19.048 - Fraud and Misconduct in Professional Research
19.049 - 实验动物的人道关怀和使用
19.050 - Submission of Proposals for Support of Research or Other Activities to Governmental Agencies, 商业或工业事务, 或其他机构
19.051 - 赞助研究指引
19.052 - Research Projects Involving Human Subjects
19.053 - Distribution of Sponsored Programs and Research Incentive Funds
19.054 - 设备库存控制
19.056 - 中心和研究所
19.057 - 动物设施访客
19.058 - 赞助项目中的利益冲突
19.059 - Employee Participation In Authorized Private Companies Commercializing newbb电子平台 Research
19.060 - 出口合规


20.001 - Emergency Notification in Case of Student Death or Serious Injury
20.090 - 学生交流的管理
20.095 - 批准收费标准
20.100 - Fee Assessments and Adjustments for Multi-Campus Registration
20.102 - 入学 and Reclassification Procedure to Implement the Ohio Board of Regents Rule 1-10 -- Residency Determination
20.109 - Employment of Graduate Students Employed on Graduate Associate Contracts
20.110 - 学生就业
21.001 - 医疗服务
22.001 - 学生旅游
23.010 - 被欺侮
23.050 - Posting of Material for Advertisement or Notification
23.055 - 用粉笔写
24.001 - Alcoholic Beverages on University Property and in Fraternity and Sorority Houses
24.012 - Use of 体育运动 Department-Controlled Facilities
24.020 - Use of Templeton-Blackburn Alumni Memorial Auditorium
24.030 - Membership and Use Eligibility for Campus Recreation Facilities
25.030 - 居住要求
28.102 - 研究生合同申诉委员会

University Development and Planning Matters

31.001 - 外部通信
31.005 - University Communications and Marketing Media Services
31.006 - 网站CMS用户政策
31.010 - Publication of Periodicals Distributed to Off-Campus Audiences
37.001 - 从私人来源筹集资金
37.004 - 校园设计与建设
37.010 - 大学资产命名
37.020 - Formation of Alumni Organizations and Sponsorship of Alumni Activities
37.030 - 校友记录


40.001 - Equal Employment and Educational Opportunity
40.003 - Interim Reasonable Accommodations of Sincerely Held Religious Beliefs and Practices
40.005 - 管理员性能管理
40.007 - 索取公共纪录
40.011 - 员工嘉许奖
40.013 - 同居伴侣福利
40.015 - Educational Benefits for newbb电子平台 Employees
40.016 - Educational Benefits for Qualified Dependents
40.023 - 器官捐赠假
40.024 - 紧急服务假
40.025 - 陪审义务及法庭假期
40.027 - Personal Leave for Administrative Employees
40.028 - 机密雇员个人假期
40.029 - Sick and Bereavement Leave for 教师 and Administrative Appointees
40.032 - Workers' Compensation and Occupational Health Management
40.035 - 假期捐赠
40.037 - Rehiring of Retired Administrative and Classified Employees
40.040 - 职位分类制度
40.045 - 机密雇员的离职
40.049 - 非豁免雇员的加班
40.050 - Payroll Time Reporting for Hourly Employees
40.051 - Declaring an Emergency Closure, Early Release, or Delay
40.054 - 探亲假和病假
40.056 - Voluntary Short-Term FTE Reduction for Administrators
40.057 - 研究预约
40.058 - 行政赔偿
40.063 - Flexible Work Schedule, Flexible Hours, and Flexplace for Administrators and Classified Employees
40.075 - 采用的好处
40.105 - General Principles Related to Appointments of University Executive Officers
40.106 - 工作人员任命
40.107 - 裙带关系
40.110 - 职业介绍所费用
40.121 - Recruitment and Selection of 教师 and 工作人员
40.125 - Pre-Employment Background Check and On-Going Duty to Self-Disclose
41.001 - 假期和冬季关闭时间
41.002 - 额外的补偿
41.003 - Partial-Semi-Month's Salary for Salaried Administrative Appointments
41.004 - Computing Partial Salary for 教师 and Graduate Assistant Appointments
41.005 - 单位底薪
41.007 - 12个月工资选项
41.008 - 教员学年工资表
41.010 - 教师 and 工作人员 Health and Welfare Benefits
41.011 - Grievance Procedure for Administrative Employees
41.012 - Terminated and Disciplinary Action for Administrative Appointments
41.013 - 减少管理人员的数量
41.014 - Notification of Terminations and Reinstatement of Contract Employees (Including graduate student contract employees)
41.015 - Reduction-in-Force Benefit Programs for Administrators
41.016 - 休假政策
41.090 - 退休分离
41.105 - Retirement System Contributions for Administrative Presidential Appointees on Leaves of Absence
41.111 - 搬迁费用
41.115 - Administrative Position Status Determination
41.121 - Reimbursement for Official Travel and Entertainment
41.122 - 零用现金和零钱
41.123 - 招待官方客人
41.125 - 假期
41.127 - 军队离开
41.128 - Leaves of Absence for Presidential Appointees
41.129 - Professional Development for Administrators
41.130 - 员工援助计划
41.133 - 酒精和其他药物
41.135 - 工作场所暴力
41.140 - 政治活动
42.001 - 邮件服务
42.100 - 校园的迹象
42.120 - 校园搬家服务
42.501 - 大学建筑装饰
42.550 - 征集
44.050 - 物理访问控制
44.100 - 关键事件
44.102 - Administrative Policy Regarding Epidemic, Pandemic, and Community Health Requirements
44.104 - 危险物品管理
44.105 - 火灾紧急情况
44.107 - 生物危害
44.109 - 安全管理
44.112 - 紧急医疗护理
44.113 - 无烟校园
44.114 - 报警装置
44.116 - 无线电通信设备
44.117 - 洪水的准备
44.119 - 视频监控系统
44.120 - 动物
45.101 - 员工研究生学习
47.001 - Safety, Procurement, Operation, Maintenance, and Disposition of University Vehicles
47.002 - 出租汽车共用车辆
47.003 - 商业机动车辆司机
47.010 - On-Campus Temporary Food Service Practices
47.015 - 餐饮
47.020 - 包机
47.030 - 大学航空运输
48.001 - 防止身份盗窃


50.001 - newbb电子平台 Cash and Pooled Investments (Non-endowment funds)
51.001 - 资金存款
52.100 - State Assisted Capital Improvements Plan for the 雅典 and 地区校园
53.001 - 电子签名
55.002 - 大学资源的使用
55.007 - 采购-竞投
55.030 - 采购
55.035 - 采购-印刷采购
55.050 - 采购 - newbb电子平台 Foundation Accounts
55.071 - 剩余财产的处置
55.074 - 支付卡计划
55.075 - 移动电话津贴


91.002 - 电脑服务表格
91.003 - 可接受的使用
91.004 - 大学证书
91.005 - 信息安全
91.006 - 资讯安全风险管理
93.001 - 数据分类
93.002 - 记录管理和存档