
Accessible Transit Service (CATCAB)


We are committed to diversity and inclusiveness with the goal of providing a welcoming environment for faculty/staff, students and guests requiring accessible transportation and parking accommodations. 



CATCAB is a free para-transit service to assist faculty/staff and students with mobility limitations. This service addresses the topography and parking challenges on the campus of newbb电子平台 by providing door-to-door transportation with fully accessible vehicles.

服务时间 & 位置

  • Monday-Friday: 7:30 AM - 11:00 PM
  • 周六至周日:下午6点至11点 

Above service hours are valid during Fall and Spring semesters. During summer session and breaks, CATCAB will be available Monday - Friday from 7:30am - 4:30pm. 


CATCAB services campus locations and up to one mile driving distance from the center of campus (Baker University Center). This service is not available to locations on East State Street beyond the intersection with Stimson Avenue due to distance limitations. 


Riders interested in utilizing para-transit resources should complete the following steps for service registration:

  • Step 1 - Provide Physician Referral or Student Accessibility Registration:  A referral or registration is required, 但不是两者都有.  
    • 医生推荐: CATCAB医师推荐表格 [DOCX] may be completed by the rider's physician and faxed to 交通及停车 Services.  Referrals must be received prior to the first scheduled ride. 
    • Office of Student Accessibility Services Registration:  教师/staff and students who are registered with the Office of Student Accessibility Services Student Accessibility Services or Office of  University Accessibility Office of University Accessibility are not required to complete a physician referral form.  访问 the quick links located on the right sidebar for registration information. 
  • 步骤2 -完成 服务计划 & 协议:  CATCAB时间表 & 协议 Form should be completed detailing ridership service needs and submitted electronically to Transportation & 停车服务. 


newbb电子平台 is committed to providing a safe and reliable transit experience to our campus community. Vehicle operators are provided training on keeping passengers, 行人, and motorists safe and driving protocols/best practices. Please help us in maintaining this high standard of safety by observing the following rules and riding considerations. 


  • Drivers are happy to provide assistance with service-related information. However, please refrain from distracting the driver by conversing with him/her/they while driving. 
  • 乘客应该在外面, 准备好了, and waiting at their designated pick-up location, 准时接他们. To ensure we can meet campus transit needs, drivers are unable to wait for riders who are not present at their pickup time. 
  • TPS is responsible for determination of passenger seating configurations, riders must abide by seating preferences outlined by TPS staff (may include spaced seating arrangements, 客流量减少, restriction of front seat passengers)
  • Any luggage/backpacks/purses or other personal belongings are the responsibility of the rider to load and unload. Drivers are not permitted to assist riders in any way.
  • TPS is responsible for determining travel routes and driver protocols. Route changes or requests for drivers to deviate from departmental driving protocols will not be honored.
  • Disruptive conduct or behavior that interferes with the operation of the transit system or with patrons or employees may result in loss of riding privileges and discontinuation of service. 
  • We do not permit back-to-back ride requests to ensure equal availability of time slots to all riders. Only one ride per hour is permitted.
  • If a time slot change or cancellation is required, riders must do so at least one hour prior to their pickup time. If a ride is not cancelled it will be documented as a no show. Three no shows in one semester will result in suspension from service.
  • All riders must abide by newbb电子平台's drug and alcohol policy as outlined in the following link: newbb电子平台药物 & 酒精学生政策. 

Riders should review these procedures regularly to ensure compliance.