
承包商 & 供应商停车

运输 & 停车 Services recognizes the important role contractors and vendors play to campus operations. Several permit options are available to accommodate campus parking needs.

承包商 & vendors are encouraged to obtain parking permits for campus by visiting the 运输 & 停车 Services Office. A photo ID is required at time of permit issuance. 承包商 & Vendor 许可证 are valid for use by the contracting/vending company in which they were issued to. 许可证 are for employees working for newbb电子平台 as a company representative, and should not be used by students  or faculty/staff.

许可证类型 & 费用

承包商 & Vendor permits are valid in the following campus parking lots

  • 南绿色: 南绿色 Garage Lots 79 & 78
  • 东绿: Jefferson Hall Lot 104
  • 西格林: Convocation Center Lots 127 & 128,  Walter Field House Lot 133
  • Union Green: Facilities Management Lot 148
  • 西州街: 很多149
  • 脊: 很多201 & 210

For parking access to areas outside of the designated parking locations identified above, university Project Managers should complete a Restricted Access Permit Request Form.  Requests are reviewed and awarded on a case-by-case basis. 

请参阅 承包商 & Vendor Permit Fee Schedule for campus parking rates.



Designated service and loading docks are available near university facilities.  盒子的卡车, 半的, and other industrial sized delivery vehicles may park in designated loading docks without a permit for a maximum of 30 minutes for delivery purposes.  These vehicle types exceeding 30 minutes may receive a fine.  Personal vehicles or vehicles who do not meet this description type should contact 运输 & 停车 Services for alternative parking locations to meet loading needs.



For detailed permit information & practices please refer to 使用指南


路 & 人行道上的闭包

运输 & 停车 Services oversees road and sidewalk closures & 校园审批. Requests should be submitted with associated MOT plans via the 路/Sidewalk Closure Request Form.

路/Sidewalk closure requests should be submitted to 运输 & 停车 Services for review and approval with a minimum of 5 business days notice. Closures should adhere to federal Manual Uniform of Traffic Control Device standards.



项目 which require the utilization of spaces on campus (storage of materials/equipment, 放置区, 垃圾站位置, 等.) or require spaces to be taken offline for a specific period of time to complete a project will be required to pay a daily reservation fee for spaces used and labor costs associated with securing needed spaces. In addition to these space reservation fees, contractors/vendors will also be required to obtain a contractor/vendor permit if their intent is to park within spaces that are taken off- line.

项目 which require the storage of trailers, 垃圾桶里, or storage 单位 on campus (in parking spaces or grass areas) will be required to pay a utilization fee for spaces/areas taken offline. This does not include the storage of trailers, 单位, or 垃圾桶里 within designated fenced construction zones unless the designated location consists of marked parking locations. Any vehicles parked within designated construction areas regardless of fenced in area will be required to obtain a permit to park within the area.

Space reservations should be coordinated in advance of project by the university project manager. 承包商s/vendors should work with their project manager to identify parking plan and space access needs which can be provided to 运输 & 停车 Services for processing and review. Requests should include location and number of spaces impacted with accompanying visual, purpose for use of spaces, 以及影响的持续时间.