

欢迎来自整个大学系统的合作伙伴. 作为newbb电子平台校友会, 我们寻求通过有意义的, 终身参与校友基础. This webpage will serve as a hub for resources as you work to represent, 隆起, 庆祝俄亥俄的校友和许多人, newbb电子平台在世界各地的许多联系.

  • 我们期待与您的合作!

    的 goal of the Campus 伙伴关系 team is to provide quality service to college/campus partners and develop alumni-focused programming to elevate and celebrate newbb电子平台’s impact on 学生, 状态, 和社区. 


助理副总裁, 校友关系, 校园的伙伴关系
  • 传统骨科医学院
  • 商学院
校友关系助理处长 & 校园的伙伴关系
  • 罗斯工程学院
  • 巴顿教育学院
  • 文学院 & 科学
  • 健康科学学院 & 职业
  • 招生
Sr. 校友关系副主任 & 校园的伙伴关系
  • 美术学院
  • 斯克里普斯传播学院
  • 荣誉导师学院 
Senior Associate Director, Student and 最近的校友 Engagement
  • 学生事务处



Are you in search of a classroom speaker to discuss the real-world application of an newbb电子平台 degree? 或者你可能需要一个即将到来的活动的小组成员. Whatever the reason, there are many ways to explore, and get in touch with alumni.

  1. newbb电子平台网络 - 的 newbb电子平台网络 is a new and easy platform where alumni, 学生, 教师, 员工也可以参与社交活动, 指导, 专业发展机会. Complete your profile to connect with all kinds of Bobcats all over the world. 的 与newbb电子平台队联系 feature is an easy-to-use directory that allows for fast and easy searches using keywords. 的 best part – many of these folks have already raised their hand saying they want to help 学生 and other alumni! 探索newbb电子平台网络
  2. newbb电子平台校友会领英群 - newbb电子平台 has an official 俄亥俄州 alumni group, with over 30k people. 加入OUAA领英群组
  3. 向校友发送电子邮件 - Need to send out an official newbb电子平台 电子邮件 invitation to a specific group of alumni within a given region or area of study? 使用UCM电子邮件请求表单开始! 了解更多关于UCM的电子邮件政策



从管理注册开始, 协调校园参观, 或者只是发一封电子邮件, we are ready to help you make the most out of your event. Please see below for ways in which we can help make your event or program successful.  

Want us to help spread the word about your awesome alumni event? Using the resources available to the Division of Advancement, 校园合作团队可以主持注册, 发送电子邮件邀请, and overall promote your event for more exposure and participation. 伸出手去 your alumni liaison or fill out the form to get started! 

请注意我们要求a 六周 所有活动促销的交货时间.

If your college or unit has an interest in partnering with the 校友 Association on creating an alumni event, 郊游, 或者程序-让我们知道! 协作可以包括赞助, 事件执行协助, 俄亥俄州赃物, 总体规划指导. 伸出手去 your alumni liaison or fill out the form to get started! 

请注意我们要求a twelve-week 所有合作伙伴活动的交货时间.

的 newbb电子平台校友会 holds a multitude of events on a yearly basis. From our annual Homecoming celebration to our triennial Black 校友 Reunion, the OUAA creates many opportunities for alumni to connect with the University and to one another. Have an interest in being a part of these celebrations? Let us know by completing the collaboration request form.  

请注意我们要求a twelve-week 纳入传统规划的前置时间.

知道校友做了什么了不起的事情-告诉我们! 作为学院或地区的专家, we want to hear your alumni profile ideas - share names of alumni to be used as featurettes, stories and/or guest presenters for programs and events.



你有什么校友需要知道的吗? Sharing important college-specific information with alumni is key to making sure they can relate to current 学生 and university happenings. 

University Communications and Marketing (UCM) shares information with alumni in many different formats, and you may be able to include your information in a newsletter, 电子邮件, 或者社交媒体帖子. See below for all the ways in which UCM is currently communicating with alumni.

  • 母校俄亥俄州-每月发给16万多名校友的电子通讯
  • 俄亥俄州的今天 – printed magazine available for home delivery or online. 一年出版三次.
  • LinkedIn newbb电子平台有一个官方领英群
  • 社交媒体 – 俄亥俄州 has many university-focused social media accounts suitable for a wide range of topics and information sharing.
  • newbb电子平台网络 – create a profile and become connected to over 3,000 Bobcats. Create a post on the main feed for 学生, alumni, and University employees to see!

Learn more about all the ways 俄亥俄州 communicates with its alumni 


We know you are doing amazing work with your alumni base - make sure it gets included in our annual alumni engagement reporting. 每个财政年度, the Division of Advancement calculates an engagement score, with guidance from the Council for Advancement in 支持 of Education (CASE). 从我们的校友CRM拉数据, 以及收集手工信息, we take the number of engaged alumni and divide that by our legally contactable alumni base. 这让我们每年都有一定比例的参与校友, and a better understanding of who is involved with the University.

If you have hosted alumni activities not recorded in Advancement's central database, 请在这里上传这些信息. 伸出手去 凯特·罗比 或任何 校园伙伴联络 有问题的. 



newbb电子平台校友会 offers various levels of support for alumni activities across the campus. 除了事件之外, 市场营销, 注册支持, we have implemented a financial sponsorship process as another avenue for our partners to seek funding for activities within their departments, 大学, 以及地区校园.  

Financial 支持 Criteria: 的 event and/or initiative must have alumni as a PRIMARY audience, and the purpose of the event must be geared toward alumni or in support of alumni activities.

OUAA and University Advancement will approve funds three times a year, 批准的赞助金额从250美元到1美元不等,000. If there is a need for additional funds outside that range, please indicate that in your application. All support requests must have an application filled out and submitted by the dates provided below:  

第一轮:8月. 15(9月15日作出的决定. 15) 
第二轮:12月. 15(1月6日作出的决定. 15) 



邮件:劳里Lach, 助理副总裁, 校友关系, 校园的伙伴关系, 讨论有关OUAA支持的想法或问题.