OHIO Honors Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply to OHIO Honors?

All OHIO applicants are considered for OHIO Honors. 为了更好的考虑,我们强烈建议学生按照表格中列出的说明去做 How to Apply to OHIO Honors page.

Where do OHIO Honors participants live? Am I required to live in honors housing? Can I pick my own roommate?

2023年秋季俄亥俄荣誉项目的参与者可以选择与该项目的其他成员一起住在荣誉住宅社区, which is in Washington Hall and Read Hall on East Green. 2024年秋季荣誉社区的宿舍尚未确定.


符合条件的学生将被邀请在5月的特定日期登录住宿系统,在荣誉社区选择房间. If an honors student doesn't want to live in the honors community, 他们将能够参加一般的房间选择日期,以选择校园其他地方的住房.

What is the average class size for honors courses?

Honors interdisciplinary seminars typically have 20-30 students, with smaller numbers at the upper level. 许多课程经验包括额外的荣誉级项目或标准课程的作业, so class sizes will vary. newbb电子平台所有课程,包括荣誉课程和其他课程的平均班级人数为32人. Regardless of class size, 在标准课程中完成荣誉课程的学生将有机会与教师和班上其他荣誉学生的小组密切合作.

What does the honors experience typically look like across four years?

OHIO Honors Program Year by Year


  • OHIO Honors First-Year Experience
    • 秋季学期:俄亥俄荣誉课程介绍或指定课程的类似课程
    • Spring semester: Engagement Lab
    • 1-2 co-curricular experiences


  • Explore the honors pathways: community engagement; research and creative activity; and leadership. Complete a total of four curricular and co-curricular experiences.


  • Complete a total of four curricular and co-curricular experiences.


  • OHIO Honors Capstone Experience
    • 准备一份数字作品集,展示你通过荣誉经历获得的技能和知识
    • Share your OHIO Honors portfolio in a public presentation
    • 1-2 additional curricular or co-curricular experiences

而俄亥俄荣誉计划不包括额外的奖学金, 学生可以通过该计划申请资助,以支持课外体验.

What are the benefits of participating in OHIO Honors?

OHIO Honors students receive:

  • Honors designation on transcripts and diplomas
  • Priority registration
  • Access to honors housing
  • Individualized honors advising
  • Support for experiential learning outside the classroom
  • 与本地和全球的校园和社区合作伙伴进行深入接触
  • Professional networking opportunities
  • OHP social and cultural events
How is the OHIO Honors Program different from other honors programs?

Like other honors programs, OHIO Honors provides plenty of opportunity for challenge in the classroom; however, 我们的课程建立在体验式学习的模式上,并理解学习发生在许多不同的环境中. 虽然你可能会通过阅读和课堂讨论来了解一个想法, 将这个想法newbb电子到不同的环境和情况中可以让你更深入地了解它在实践中的运作方式. So, in addition to the honors-level courses offered through the program, 俄亥俄荣誉顾问通过一系列有意义的课外经历帮助你扩展你的学习, such as internships, community projects, and hands-on research.

What are the OHIO Honors Pathways?

OHIO Honors students take challenging courses, but they also apply their knowledge outside the classroom. Guided by the following three pathways, 学生在整个项目期间与专门的荣誉顾问密切合作,选择适当的课程和课外经验,为第四年的顶峰组合奠定基础。

  • 社区参与:此途径侧重于与当地社区建立关系, other geographic communities, and communities of shared interest. 与此途径相关的经验可以包括与当地非营利组织的工作, 通过出国留学的机会与遥远的社区接触, 或者发展一项活动,把有共同兴趣或经历的人聚集在一起.
  • 研究/创造性活动:这一途径鼓励学生考虑各种收集信息的方法, make sense of it, and share it in a meaningful way. 与此途径相关的经验可能包括在实验室工作, research based on interviews or focus groups, or the development of an exhibition. 
  • 领导力:该课程允许学生探索关于领导力的各种想法,并培养他们自己对领导力概念的理解,以及如何利用和建立他们现有的技能来实践领导力. 与此相关的经历包括参加学生会, 与校园和社区组织合作,制定应对当地挑战的措施, or peer mentorship opportunities.


Can I leave the program?

OHIO Honors advisors will work closely with you to facilitate a holistic educational experience that fits your goals and interests without compromising your progress toward graduation or overall well-being; however, 如果你觉得这种体验式的荣誉教育方式不适合你, you may leave the program at any time with no penalty.

Can I stay in the program if I change my major?

Absolutely! newbb电子平台荣誉课程旨在让像你这样的学生去追求你最感兴趣的学术选择. Changing your major does not impact your participation in the program.


Absolutely! 事实上,许多这些类型的经历都可以计算在你的俄亥俄荣誉要求中. 

What are the requirements to continue in the OHIO Honors program?


Year Minimum Cumulative GPA
1 3.0
2 3.1
3 3.2
4 3.3

If a student's GPA falls below the required minimum, 俄亥俄荣誉顾问将与他们合作,使他们的学业成绩恢复到项目标准.

Can I be in the OHIO Honors Program and a learning community?


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